
23 January 2014

Pinterest For Business: How Pinterest Can Help Your Business

Pinterest For Business

Pinterest for Business

Pinterest is a relatively new social media platform which places an extremely large emphasis on the sharing of images. On this social media platform users are easily able to share images with an online following. This can be achieved through a variety of means. Users are able to share images they find on the internet, from their computer archive and even from other users on the platform. Essentially, it is an online scrap book of images which makes Pinterest for business a lucrative avenue.

Statistically, the platform is the largest growing website in the history of the internet, providing direct access to potentially 11 million unique users. However, not only this but it has been consistently found that users of this platform spend far greater amounts of time on it than on alternative formats. To demonstrate, the average time users spend on LinkedIn is 17 minutes, for Twitter it is 36 minutes, whereas for Pinterest the average is a massive 1 hour and 17 minutes. The platform also has an overwhelmingly female membership, 87/13 in favour of women. All of these are potential opportunities for brand exposure and lead generation for your company, products and services.

In order to explain the opportunity Pinterest for business offers, a little background is required. In order to gain membership to the platform you must request an invite. Once you have an invite, you are able to begin setting up your account. Once your account has been established, you should create a board for a specific category. Categories range widely between subjects including DIY and Crafts, and Weddings and Events to Funny Images. This scope means there is a category and an audience for your products and services on the platform. However, it must be stated that when you add your pins to your board, ensure that the images you select are good quality images which are worth repining. Then hopefully people will re-pin your pin to their audience creating greater exposure for your business. Potentially, then that re-pin may be repined to an even greater audience.

In order to Pinterest for business in perspective, we will conduct some simple mathematics. Let’s assume you have one hundred followers on Pinterest. You share an image with your following and ten of your following then choose to re-pin your image. Each of these has fifty followers, which equates to 50×10. As a result of this, another 5 users repin your image; these users have a following of 100 each, which equates to 10x5x100. From these simple mathematics, you have gained a total of 5600 unique users worldwide which have viewed your image. This creates a phenomenal level of brand exposure for your company. However, in order to take full advantage of this option, you need to be involved.