
6 May 2014

Facebook Ads: A Complete Glossary Of Terms And Features

Glossary Of Facebook Ads

Facebook ads

Facebook advertising is an extremely powerful tool, it can also be complicated. Due to the numerous terms and features which are included it can be difficult to learn how to take full advantage of the Facebook ads service. Due to this a glossary of terms and features has been provided beneath, in order to enable users and marketers to take full advantage of Facebook Ads.

  • Ad: Is a unit which determines what is being advertised, where it is advertised, who it is advertised to and the associated bidding procedure.
  • Broad Categories: Enable advertisers and marketers to target users with Facebook ads who have information or content on their Timelines and actions which are associated to a specific category or interest.
  • Campaign: A structure which links associated ads together. It also determines the overall ad budget, both daily and lifetime, in addition to the start and end date of ads.
  • Connections: Enables for users to be targeted based on their connection to a Page, event or app which is within the control of the advertiser.
  • Conversion Specs: When Optimised CPM is selected, ads are then automatically optimised to a specific action type. Conversion Specs enable for this action type to be changed manually to a different action which is more relevant.
  • CPC: Stands for Cost Per Click. This is where the maximum expenditure per click on an advertisement is established.
  • CPM: Is the Cost Per 1000 impressions. This is where a maximum bid is established for the cost each time an ad is displayed 1000 times.
  • Custom Audience: Allows for offline fans to be targeted with Facebook ads regardless of whether they are fans of a brand’s Page. This includes, phone number lists, email address lists, Facebook UID App lists and Facebook UID lists.
  • Domain Sponsored Story: The promotion of user shares from a domain within the control of the administrator.
  • FBX: Stands for Facebook Exchange. This is Facebook retargeting or the method of targeting visitors to a website with Facebook ads when they return to the social media platform.
  • Label: Also known as Tag. Enables for individual ads and campaigns to be organised around related promotions within Power Editor. This includes by account, by Page and by promotion.
  • Lookalike Audience: Enables for the creation of an audience which is similar to the users which are in a specific custom audience.
  • Offsite Pixel: Is a tracking code which is placed on an external success page, e.g. “Thank you very much for your purchase”. This alerts Facebook that a user clicking on a Facebook ad resulted in a conversion.
  • Optimised CPM: Is the method which is selected by default by the majority of ad types. Facebook optimises a Page’s audience, displaying the ad to people within that audience who are demographically most likely to perform the desired action.
  • Partner Categories: Enables ads to be targeted based on lifestyle or consumer history demographics, based on data which has been mined by partner companies.
  • Placement: Determines where a Facebook ad will appear on the platform, i.e. Sidebar, Mobile or Desktop News Feed.
  • Power Editor: Is a plugin bulk ad editing tool created by Facebook, it is free to use with Google Chrome. This is the place where Facebook first unveils any of their new advertising features.
  • Promoted Posts: the act of paying to promote a previously organic post which has been created for the administrator’s Facebook page.
  • Precise Interest: Targets Facebook users for an ad, based on the Pages they like, apps they use and information which has been pulled from their age, education, interests, job title and groups to which they are a member.
  • Saved Target Group: Enables for custom targeting settings to be saved, making it easy to fill in information fields when creating a similar ad in Power Editor.
  • Sponsored Story:  This is the action which enables users to promote a particular story, which is relevant to the content being promoted.
  • Unpublished Post: The creation and publication of posts which were never created organically, for News Feed or to appear on the Page’s Timeline, content which has been created specifically as an advertisement.